
Actions of the Program

  • Preparation of external quality control samples (External quality control samples) which are checked and free of communicable diseases.  Samples include:

    • Lyophilized pooled human serum for the routine chemistry tests:Glucose, Creatinine, BUN, Uric Acid, Bilirubin, TG, Cholesterol, GPT, GOT, ALK.
    • Preserved whole blood for the routine hematological test: WBC, RBC, Hb, MCV, and Platelets.
  • Distribution of samples at a rate of 10-12 per year.

  • Displaying reports of each laboratory (each lab enters the results of the analysis online through user name and a password, the center analyses the data statistically)

  • The statistical analysis is based on:Consensus mean (X), Standard Deviation (SD), Coefficient of Variation (CV), Deviation Index (DI).

  • The program is currently working on increasing the panel of tests and other disciplines in the field of Laboratory Medicine including bacteriology and HbA1c.

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