CQML is the only national programme of its kind in Palestine.
Which is comprising of Nearly 30 parameters in 4 comprehensive and flexible EQA programmes.
Flexible programmes options to suit laboratories of all sizes and budgets.
Rapid report turnaround within 5-7 days ensuring corrective actions can be taken sooner.
Ability to register up to 2 instruments at no extra cost.


Dear participant

Please find enclosed a whole blood sample number ( ) tested negative for hepatitis and HIV.

This sample should be mixed for ten minutes.

Perform Hb, RBC, MCV, Hct, WBC,MCH,MCHC and Platelets count by your routine methods during your normal workload.

Write your results clearly in the appropriate result space ensuring they are in the units indicated.

Return your results to EQAS office:

a) Through the web site of EQAS

b) By fax       02/2414076

c) By E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

d) By telephone       02/2414076 or 0597601623 .Ask specifically for Mr.Ziyad Al khdour

For consultation and/or questions please contact


                 On Sunday and Thursday. at 9:00-15:      

                                       Mr.Ziyad Al khdour

               On Sat.thru Wed. at             9:00- 15:0

Working days:  Saturday - Wednesday, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm


National Assembly building for diabetes -  3rd floor

Al-Bireh – Palestine

Telefax:   +972 (0) 2-241 4076

Web page:

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The aim is helping medical laboratories to improve the quality and comparability of their results.  Together with continuous training and education, this will ultimately promote the highest possible quality assurance in patient care.

This is an inter-laboratory comparison designed and conducted to assure the following:

evaluation of participants' performance evaluation of method performance; and continuous education, training and help.
The main aim of the activities of an EQAS in Laboratory Medicine is to sustain improvements in the quality of services provided by participating laboratories for the benefit of patients.

The objectives of EQAS can be summarized in the following :

  • To improve the reliability of clinical diagnosis, which will lead to clinicians acceptance of validity and uniformity of interpretation .
  • To reduce health care costs. Avoidance of repeating tests and inappropriate treatment due to mobility of patients between health centers and hospitals.
  • To provide a basis for continuing education for laboratory personal in scientific methods of investigation, laboratory organization and management and analytical techniques.


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